The challenges for cellulose packagings

The challenges for cellulose packagings

Author :Benoit Bideau, Innofibre   The packaging sector is a complex field that must meet diverse needs depending on the types of contents involved. The nature of these will shape the packaging itself and its properties. For example, computer equipment requires a...
Lignin: A Revenue Opportunity for the Paper Industry?

Lignin: A Revenue Opportunity for the Paper Industry?

By Michel Labbé, researcher at Innofibre, and Mathieu Germain, teacher and researcher at Innofibre   Despite its potential as an added-value product for pulp and paper mills, each year several thousand tons of lignin end up in the mills’ black liquor, which is a...
What the heck about hydrocyclones?

What the heck about hydrocyclones?

Author:  Gaston Michaud, Research Engineer, Innofibre They are there, but we ignore them.  We walk past them without a care in the world.  Yet hydrocyclones are an integral part of most papermaking processes.  They can be found, for example, in paper machine approach...
One type of packaging, many questions!

One type of packaging, many questions!

Author: Benoit Bideau, Researcher at Innofibre   What do we mean by eco-friendly packaging? There is no simple answer to this question. Whether it be as a researcher, a business owner, or a consumer, one must develop a critical mindset and question and analyze...
Forests and fields for paper and cardboard

Forests and fields for paper and cardboard

Author: Martin Dubé, teacher at Cégep de Trois-Rivières and researcher at Innofibre.   In several regions of the world, the pulp and paper industry has always been closely associated with wood, forests and sawmills. However, there are many other sources of fiber...
The potential of Canadian forest tree bark

The potential of Canadian forest tree bark

By: Annabelle St-Pierre, Researcher at the Innofibre Research Centre   The lumber industry is a key player in Canada’s economy owing to its large wood production, which accounts for several millions of dry tons of residual bark each year. This underexploited...


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