Our team

Benoit Bideau
819 376-5075
Cell phone: 819 668-4971
Main sector of activity:
Pulp and paper, packaging
- Moulded pulp
- Thermoformed products
- Barrier agents
- Bioactive papers
Benoît Bideau holds a master’s degree in agricultural and forestry resource development processes from the University of Limoges as well as a master’s degree and doctorate in lignocellulosic materials engineering from UQTR. Following his academic journey focused on the valorization of plant resources, Benoît gained experience in the industry before joining the Innofibre team and specializing in thermoformed products.
Main publications
- Jradi, K., Bideau, , Chabot, B., Daneault, C. «Characterization of conductive composite films based on TEM- PO-oxidized cellulose nanofibers and polypyrrole», Journal of Material Science, 47: 3752-3762 (2012).
- Bideau, , Saini, S., Bras, J., Loranger, E., B., Daneault, C. «Mechanicals and antibacterial properties of a nanocellulose-polypyrrole composite», Material Science & Engineering: Part C, 69, 977-984 (2016).
- Bideau, , Cherpozat, L., Loranger, E., B., Daneault, C. «A conductive nanocomposite based on TEMPO oxidized cellulose and poly(N-3-aminopropylpyrrole-co-pyrrole)», Industrial Crops and Products, 93, 139-141(2016).
- Bideau, , Loranger, E., B., Daneault, C. «Comparison of three polypyrrole-cellulose nanocomposite synthesis», Journal of advances in Nanomaterial, 1 (2), 105-114 (2016).
- Bideau, , Cherpozat, L., Loranger, E., B., Daneault, C. «Oxidizer influence on organic flexible conductive composite properties» Présentation orale, SAMPE Long Beach (2016).
- Bideau, , Bras, J., Adaoui, N., Loranger, E., B., Daneault, C. «Polypyrrole/nanocellulose composite for food preservation: barrier and antioxidant characterization», Food Packaging and shelf life, 12, 1-8 (2017).
- Ayissi Eyebe, G., Bideau, , Loranger, E., Daneault, C., Boubekeur, N., Domingue, F. «Environment Friendly Cellulose Nanofibres Sheets for Humidity Sensing in Microwave Frequencies», Sensors and actuators B: Chemical, 245, 484-492 (2017).
- Bideau, , Loranger, E., B., Daneault, C. « Nanocellulose-polypyrrole-coated paperboard for food packaging application», Progress in Organics Coatings, 123, 128-133 (2018).
- Eyebe, G. A., Bideau, B., Loranger, E., Boubekeur, N., Domingue, F. « Novel TOCNPVOH Dielectric Composite Sheets With Low Ecological Footprint for Microwave Humidity Sensing», IEEE sensors journal, 2 (4): 1-4 (2018).
- Eyebe, G. A., Bideau, B., Loranger, E., Domingue, F. «TEMPO-oxidized cellulose nanofibre (TOCN) films and composites with PVOH as sensitive dielectrics for microwave humidity sensing», Sensors and actuators B: Chemical, 295: 385-393 (2019).
- Eyebe, G. A., Rasolomboahanginjatovo, A., Bideau, B., Domingue, F. « Investigation on temperature-dependent dielectric properties of ETFE fluoropolymer for microwave temperature sensing applications», Sensors and actuators A: Physical, 290: 215-221 (2019).
- Eyebe, A., Bideau, B., Loranger, E., Domingue, F. « Fully printed CPW-based microwave humidity sensor in phase shifting paradigm», IEEE, (2019).
- Eyebe, G. A., Myja, D., Bideau, B., Loranger, Lanouette, R., E., Domingue, F. « Coplanar waveguide techno TEMPO Oxidized Thermomechanical Pulp-Based Microwave Humidity Sensor », Sensors materials, 3 (7): 1-4 (2019).
- Eyebe, A., Bideau, B., Loranger, E., Domingue, F. « Printed Microwave frequency humidity sensor operating with phase shifting scheme», IEEE, (2020).