Our team

Cyrine Boussabbeh


819 376-5075
Cell phone: 819-697-8642

Main sector of activity:
Biomass conditioning

Main areas of activity and research:
  • Biochemical characterization of waste and clean water
  • Valorization of waste from the incineration of municipal residual materiel

Cyrine has a solid experience in the fields of engineering and environment. She has several years of experience in environmental, industrial and agricultural analysis laboratories (GreenLab- Tunisia). Cyrine holds an engineering degree in Industrial Chemistry from INSAT -Tunisia and a Master's degree in Earth Sciences from INRS - Quebec on the valorization of incineration waste by carbonation and granulation. Cyrine intends to use her expertise at Innofibre in projects of biosourced residues valorization and residual material management.


Our team will be pleased to respond as soon as possible and to help you with your project.

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