Our team

Gaston Michaud
Research Engineer
(819) 376-5075
Cell phone: 819 609-9174
Main sector of activity:
Treatment of cellulosic fibers in pilot plants
- Low-consistency refinement
- Cellulosic fibre fractionation
- Waste paper and cardboard recycling
- Mechanical pulping
- Equipment prototype development
- Process and product development
Gaston is a graduate of the Université de Sherbrooke in mechanical engineering. He has been working at Innofibre (formerly the Centre spécialisé en pâtes et papiers) since 1993. He has a diversified expertise that allows him to participate within different projects. He is responsible for cellulosic fiber processing projects at the pilot scale.
Main publications
- Lemrini, M.-M., Lanouette, R., Michaud, G., «Interstage fractionation and low consistency refining for TMP. – Part II: Fibre Development», Appita Journal, Vol. 69, No. 2, juillet 2016, pp. 135-141.
- Lemrini, M-M., Lanouette, R., Michaud, G., Interstage fractionation and low consistency refining for TMP. – Part I: Energy consumption and pulp properties, Appita Journal, Vol. 69, No. 1, juin 2016, pp. 74-80.
- Lemrini, M.-M., Lanouette, R., Michaud, G., «Merging Interstage Fractionation and Low Consistency Advantages during the TMP Refining Process: Part III – How Fibre Morphology Impacts Paper Properties», J. BioResources, 10:1, 2015, pp. 1048-1059.
- Janknecht, S., Michaud, G., Barbe, M.C., Dessureault, S. Koran, Z. “Optimum CTMP/CMP pulps for board production”, Pulp and Paper Canada, vol. 98, no. 5, mai 1997, p. 49-56.
- Dessureault, S., Michaud, G., Tremblay, S., Massicotte, C. “Cleaning systems for recycled pulps from laser/xerox printed wasteper”, Second Symposium on Waste Paper Recycling and Deinking Technologies, Kvaerner Hymac R&D Consortium in Recycled Paper, Mont-Rolland, Québec, 4 octobre 1993.