
The Future of Waste Sorting…

The Future of Waste Sorting…

The Future of Waste Sorting…   By Cyrine Boussabbeh, Researcher, Innofibre   What to do with the growing amounts of municipal, industrial, and commercial waste? This is the question we constantly ask ourselves to find solutions to divert them from landfills,...

The Unseen Damage of the Sun

The Unseen Damage of the Sun

The Unseen Damage of the Sun By Caroline Lachance, Technician, Innofibre   Nowadays, everyone is aware of the damage that the sun can cause to the skin, such as cancer. Sunscreens are applied to block the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays before they penetrate the...

The Forest at use for the Iron and Steel Industry!

The Forest at use for the Iron and Steel Industry!

Author: William Belhadef, researcher at Innofibre   Is it possible to imagine a future for biocoal in the iron and steel industry? Over the past 15 years, the popularity of biocoal (commonly called charcoal) has been increasing at a rapid pace, with ten times...

Versatile Wood Materials through Innovative Treatment

Versatile Wood Materials through Innovative Treatment

Author: Annabelle St-Pierre, Researcher at Innofibre     For over a decade, Innofibre has been exploring the phosphorylation process of cellulose to impart various desirable properties such as flame resistance, super absorbency, and strong cation exchange...

Ashes have much to say

Ashes have much to say

Author: Maude Tessier-Parenteau, Eng., researcher at Innofibre   Thermochemical conversion of biomass: ashes have much to say about it   Thermochemical conversion of biomass is a key research focus at Innofibre. The center operates several equipment used for...

Cellulose Foams, a New Ally to Support   the Ecological Transition

Cellulose Foams, a New Ally to Support the Ecological Transition

Author : David Myja, Innofibre researcher   Wood and its components, including cellulose fibers, are major assets in the ecological transitions taking place at this moment. Cellulose products are gradually replacing petroleum-based plastics, especially in the...

Innovation in Coating Preparation at Innofibre

Innovation in Coating Preparation at Innofibre

Author: Julien Bley, Engineer, Researcher at Innofibre   Decarbonizing various industrial sectors poses numerous challenges. In the packaging industry, replacing plastic with bio-sourced products can encounter obstacles when specific barrier properties are...

The Hidden Side of Cedar

The Hidden Side of Cedar

By Mélanie Trudel, Researcher, Innofibre   In Quebec, cedar is a conifer commonly used in landscaping. This tree, which can reach several meters in height, requires annual trimming. These cedar residues generate tons of biomass each year. Given the amount of...

Thermoforming : New Opportunities for Unwanted Fibers

Thermoforming : New Opportunities for Unwanted Fibers

Author : Éric Denoes, Researcher at Innofibre   The textile industry generates large amounts of wastes, especially in the steps involved in the clothing manufacturing process, which leads to large quantities of unwanted textile remnants (scraps and offcut)....

Extrusion pulping, a solution for non-wood fibers processing

Extrusion pulping, a solution for non-wood fibers processing

Author: Wendy Rodriguez Castellanos   Cellulose packaging is booming. In recent years, we've seen the arrival - on the Quebec market - of cellulose packaging from other regions of the world. Most of this packaging is made from non-wood fibers such as bamboo or...

Corrugated Carbon is Making Waves

Corrugated Carbon is Making Waves

Author: Martin Dubé, Teacher and Researcher at Innofibre   Packages made of corrugated cardboard occupy a very large part of our everyday lives, accounting for almost 40% of the industry’s cellulosic fibre packaging. Although this type of packaging is mainly used...


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