New stable waterborne amorphous polylactic nanocomposites

New stable waterborne amorphous polylactic nanocomposites

We are delighted to announce that Julien Bley from Innofibre is co-author of the scientific article entitled “New stable waterborne amorphous polylactic acid/organoclay nanocomposites prepared using emulsification solvent evaporation method”. This article...
Biomarine 2021 in Trois-Rivières

Biomarine 2021 in Trois-Rivières

Innofibre, in collaboration with Innovation et développement économique Trois-Rivières, is pleased to invite you to BioMarine’s 2021 event on November 17th and 18th under the theme Forest and marine products – the winning duo of the bio-packaging sector....
Corrugated cardboard is making waves

Corrugated cardboard is making waves

Author: Martin Dubé, teacher-researcher at Innofibre   Corrugated cardboard packaging is an important part of our daily lives, accounting for nearly 40% of the entire cellulosic fiber-based packaging sector. Although this type of cardboard is first and foremost...
Using the forest to protect potatoes

Using the forest to protect potatoes

Author: Michelle Boivin, Researcher at Innofibre Quebec’s forest wealth The forest constitutes one of the most beautiful and great wealth of Quebec, with a forest cover representing 2.3% of the world’s forest. The exploitation of this resource generates...
Recyclable Packaging; Opportunities and Challenges

Recyclable Packaging; Opportunities and Challenges

Sustainability is increasingly a priority for consumers, this trend demands to develop new recyclable or compostable packaging. In addition, from an environmental perspective, paper is an excellent substitute for plastic packaging, but some challenges remain. The...


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