Thermoformed cellulosic products

Intervention fields

Innofibre hosted the NSERC College Industrial Research Chair in Ecodesign for a Circular Economy of Thermoformed Cellulose Packaging Materials. Tarik Jabrane, a researcher at Innofibre, was the holder of this chair.


  • Raw materials development for thermoformed fiber packaging
  • Functional adjuvants development for thermoformed fiber packaging
  • Performance analysis of thermoformed fiber packaging
  • Thermoforming pilote trials of cellulosic fiber packaging


  • Development and prototyping of thermoformed pulp packaging
  • Technological development of the pulp thermoforming process
  • Demonstration of the use of lignocellulosic materials such as annual plants and mechanical pulp

Our equipment

  • Thermoforming pilot system for cellulosic pulps
  • High performance 3D printer for additive manufacturing of prototyping molds up to 16 x 14 x 16 in
  • FLIR T1030sc high performance infrare thermography camera for R&D applications
  • Dedicated system for the surface treatment of thermoformed cellulosic packaging with a variable speed conveyor
  • 300 L wet chamber for accelerated aging of thermoformed pulps according to ASTM D2247 and ASTM D1735
  • Compostability analysis chamber for thermoformed cellulosic pulp packaging according to ASTM D6868
  • Cellulosic pulp preparation equipment : Tornado 24 po variable speed pulper for long fibers (hemp, flax, etc.), 20 L digester, 1 kg Valley refiner, PFI refiner
  • Thermoformed cellulosic pulp packaging analysis equipment : FPI (Food Packaging Institute) stiffness, OTR oxygen transmission rate and water vapor transmission rate, KIT test, COBB test, FTIR, TGA, thermoscellability, etc.


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